Friday, March 4, 2011

Vibrating Mobile using J2ME

There is a simple one line code for vibrating mobile phone using J2ME application
Display.getDisplay(this) .vibrate(800);

Parameter is the number of milliseconds the vibrator should be run.

Split Function

As J2ME is not supporting split of the String which is possible in J2SE

i am providing a best example for split which i have seen

private String[] split(String original,String separator) {
Vector nodes = new Vector();
// Parse nodes into vector
int index = original.indexOf(separator);
while(index >= 0) {
nodes.addElement( original.substring(0, index) );
original = original.substring(index+separator.length());
index = original.indexOf(separator);
// Get the last node
nodes.addElement( original );

// Create split string array
String[] result = new String[ nodes.size() ];
if( nodes.size() > 0 ) {
for(int loop = 0; loop < nodes.size(); loop++)
result[loop] = (String)nodes.elementAt(loop);

return result;

The above method will let you split a string about the passed separator, much like J2EE's String.split(). So first split the string
on the line break tag, and then do it at each offset of the returned array for the "," comma.

String[] lines = this.split(myString,"<br>");
for(int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
String[] splitStr = this.split(lines[i],",");
System.out.println(splitStr[0] + " " + splitStr[1] + " " + splitStr[2]);